Common WEB SERVICE Methods

Common Web Service Methods

*See for additional information


  1. Creating a ticket
    • This is used if you need to create a ticket via a workflow step in the same application that you are in or in a different ticketing application.
    • The Method info below to support this is:
      1. POST (#### reps TicketAppID
      2. Key: content-type | value: application/json
      3. Parameters: this can vary by ticket on what you want to default, but below are a few common fields you want to gather likely.
        1. RequestorUid – String – From Ticket – Requestor UID
        2. Title – String – From Ticket – Title
        3. Description – String – From Ticket – Description
      4. Body: this is an example of the body for a ticket create POST method. Note some fields have an ID stamped in there; it is going to append that value that represents the ID.














  1. Ensure you set your Web Service Auth Account


  1. Updating a ticket
    • This is used to update the Feed of a ticket with pre-defined information as a comment, or often it can be used to send a notification out to an email address.
    • The Method info below to support this is:
      1. POST{{appID}}/tickets/{{id}}/feed
      2. Key: content-type | Value: application/json
      3. Parameters: this can vary but typically you want to at least have the two fields represented:
        1. appID – String – From Ticket – Application ID
        2. id – String – From Ticket – ID
      4. Body: (the information w/I the Comments section can be anything. If you want to send out this to add’l email addresses for instance, place a comma between the next email address. Be sure to “”” each address. The raw format looks like so – [“”,””]

{"Comments":"You have been assigned to fulfill the request for Student Support.","IsPrivate":true,"Notify":[""]}

  1. Set your Web Service Auth Account


  1. Patch a value on a ticket – see
    • In the example, we are going to PATCH a Responsible Group on a ticket. This PATCH method is used to update fields on a ticket. Again, like other web services this is done via a workflow step.
    • The Method info below to support this is:
      1. PATCH{{id}}?notifyNewResponsible=true
      2. Key: content-type | value: application/json
      3. Parameters:
        1. Id – String – From Ticket – ID
      4. Body: the body on this PATCH is simple, you can have several PATCH calls be done. Note the URL and what needs to be modified at the end of it.


                {"op": "add", "path": "/ResponsibleGroupID", "value": #####},


  1. Set your Web Service Auth Account