This is for external clients and non-KPU employees to submit event setup requests.


A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.

Dates and Times of Setup:

Standard Setups Completed by Facilities: (3 hour minimum)
Standard Setups at KPU take a minimum of 3 hours prior to the start of your event. If you need to complete your own setup after Facilities has completed this work please ensure that you have that time booked as part of your event. Please note... If you have booked the Gym for a non-athletic activity then our standard setup time is 5 hours.

If you need to check and insure that time is available for your setup please use this ASTRA link to view the times that your space is available. 
The start date indicates the date that the work on the ticket is to begin. If the ticket has estimated hours associated, the start date is the beginning of the resource allocation range.
The due date indicates the date that the work on the ticket is to be completed. If the ticket has estimated hours associated, the due date is the end of the resource allocation range.

Campus/Building and Space Location Where the Setup Needs to Occur:

Please use these links to campus maps if you are unsure of the exact room number of your space:
KPU Tech
KPU Surrey
KPU Richmond
KPU Langley
KPU Civic
Visit ASTRA to see space availability

Setup Description

Please include all necessary information that will help us to complete this request.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code