How do I log into the KPU Service Portal


We recommend that you log into the Service Portal before browsing the Knowledge Base or Service Catalog. Logging in allows you to save and view your favorite services and prevents you from having to log in later if you decide to submit a ticket. It also ensures that you can view all of the information to which you have access.

Everyone with an active KPU account can sign into the Service Portal.

How do I log into the Service Management Portal?

  1. Click on the Sign In link in the top right corner of the screen.  
  2. You will be redirected to the Microsoft KPU Sign in page.
  3. Enter your KPU email address, click [Next]
  4. Then enter password and click [Sign in]
  5. If you are a MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) user, you will need to validate your sign in on your MFA device



Article ID: 1012
Wed 2/17/21 2:08 PM
Mon 11/27/23 6:30 PM